MonsterCorp is a sprawling corporate office catering to all kinds of monsters, from goo blobs to banshees to vampire bats. Employees run everything from nightmarish supply chains to scream-powered HR seminars.
The office is absurdly bureaucratic. Monsters need forms, signatures, and permits for everything.
Important: This is definitely not a full RPG system. It grew out of my own notes while playing with Lasers & Feelings. It's meant to inspire your own game.
Some things might not make sense, some might not work. That's fine, just roll with it.
Thanks for checking it out!
- Simon (@thingsinjars)
A single d6 mechanic (loosely) inspired by Lasers & Feelings
Balance Professionalism and Chaos in a bureaucratic monsterscape.
Play as a Screaming HR Specialist, Slime Inventory Manager, Intern, Janitor, Bureaucrat, IT Manager, Accountant.
The full Adventure Guide includes several NPCs, prompts, scenarios, effects and skills to inspire your inner Corporate GM.
Also includes two conflict mechanics to choose based on your group's skill, experience and available time.