If you wake up every morning and think, "My t-shirts are so dull, I wish I had interesting clothes...", you need to have a look at my online shop.
If you wake up every morning and think, "My t-shirts are so dull, I wish I had interesting clothes...", you need to have a look at my online shop.
What do you do when you find a nice paper texture? Juxtapose a couple of pop culture references on it and Save for Web.
That's what I do, anyway.
Continuing the webcomic theme from yesterday, I finally uploaded the archive of strips from the webcomic I used to do in 2003.
It actually started off as a cartoon on flyers advertising Baby Tiger gigs before developing into music reviews for a while before ending up in the final version.
Start at the far end of the cartoon department, third floor.
I found some old sketches at the weekend and decided that I shouldn't just leave them in a drawer doing nothing.
I, therefore, present to you:
It's kind of a web comic but it only has 19 issues, no plot and won't be continuing.
I've been trying to make myself sketch a lot more recently. This was mostly prompted by my decision to start up The Angry Robot Zombie Factory as an actual company doing web development and illustration.
I've been keeping an almost daily sketch blog over on tumblr and promoting any good pieces over onto my actual illustration portfolio. At some point, I'll bring all these different sites and things together. Until then, here's a sketch of a few things from the last couple of weeks.