While putting together last week's promo video for Museum140 (a vote'd be awsm, btw), I knocked up a few tools to make my life easier. As I always say, if you find something you like, make a plugin for it. Seriously, I always say that. That might even be how I proposed to my wife, I'll have to check.
This is a simple timing helper. It just provides a little array you can push slide durations into and at the end, you call 'play'. I can't see many uses for this other than in creating videos.
ImpressJS.play(3000); //Set the first slide duration for 3 seconds
ImpressJS.play(1000); //Set the second slide duration for 1 second
ImpressJS.play(); //Play from the start
This is much more useful.
If this script is included in the page (after the impress.js script), you can drag your slides around, rotate and scale them into exactly the position you want. Once you're happy, you can get the current HTML output onto the console for pasting back into your original slideshow file. I could have snuck in a drag-n-drop file handler but that would make it Chrome only.
These tools rely on ImpressJS having a public API which it currently doesn't have. It's obviously high on the author's priority list (given the amount of discussion it's raised) but, as too many pull requests spoil the broth, I've made a little fork of my own, added the public functions the tools require and I'll update them once the main repository's settled down a bit.
These are available in the tools folder of this fork of impress.js. Each one contains an example. Hopefully, these will be updated to use the public API as soon as it's available.
Here's a useful little code snippet if you're building a web application. It's a simple way of making the boundary between web-browser and platform a bit smaller. It allows you to create a file (text, html, whatever) in in your page which the user can drag onto their desktop (if their browser supports the dragstart event and dataTransfer methods).
document.getElementById('downloadElement').addEventListener("dragstart", function (e) {
e.dataTransfer.setData("DownloadURL", "text/html:filename.html:data:image/png;base64," + btoa(fileContent));
A description of the code:
attach an event listener to the draggable element you specify (downloadElement)
when you start to drag it (dragstart),
it creates a dataTransfer object (with the type DownloadURL)
and sets the content of that to be whatever you pass it (fileContent)
It uses btoa() to encode the string data as a base64-encoded string.
When you combine this with the MIME-type (text/html),
you can create a file with the specified name (filename.html) when the user releases the drag in their local file system.
The fake MIME-type (image/png) is there as part of the object data to convince the browser this is a binary file (which it is, even though it's not an image).
Credit goes to Paul Kinlan for using this in Appmator which is where I first saw this done this way. He actually uses it alongside some extremely clever JS zip-file creation stuff, too, it's definitely worth digging through the source there.
You can find out more about the drag events on the MDN.
cssert – pronounced however you feel like it – is my attempt at bringing some kind of style verification into an automated build process. If you've read the previous article, you'll know that this falls into the second group of CSS test frameworks, style measurement and comparison. The system works exactly as I described above – your test files have a basic HTML structure created by traversing the DOM from the element being tested upwards. You could also include your entire HTML in the test file if you liked, it would just be unnecessary in most cases.
I've created a couple of (for me, at least) helpful utilities which allow these test cases to be generated from a page via a bookmarklet and then run in the browser or on the command-line. Running the tests in the browser is useful for quick human verification while the command-line interface can be integrated into an automated build system if you like that kind of thing. The test file structure is quite simple (all samples here taken from the Twitter Bootstrap project:
First, we have the test file opening structure:
<!doctype html><html><head><title>cssert test page</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="../lib/cssert.css"></head><body><h1>cssert Test cases</h1><p>click to expand test</p><script type="text/html">/*==
Then we have the name of the test:
Intro Paragraph
Then we have the skeleton DOM:
<!doctype html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><base href="http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/examples/hero.html"><link href="../1.3.0/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"><style type="text/css">
body {
padding-top: 60px;
</style><style>#cssert-style-modal {display:none;position: fixed;top: 10%;left: 50%;margin-left: -350px;width: 700px;background: #39c;color: white;padding: 10px;color: #fff;text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.3);background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(-45deg, rgba(255,255,255,0), rgba(255,255,255,.1) 60%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 60%);border-radius: 5px;border: 1px solid #17a;box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,.3);}#cssert-style-modal ul,#cssert-style-modal li {margin:0;padding:0;font-size:11px;list-style:none;}#cssert-style-modal>ul>li {float:left;width:140px;font-size:13px;}#cssert-style-modal ul {margin-bottom:10px;}#cssert-pre {position:fixed;top:10px;right:10px;background:white;border:1px solid gray;width:200px;height:200px;overflow:auto;}#cssert-drag {position:fixed;top:210px;right:10px;background:white;border:1px solid gray;width:200px;height:20px;overflow:auto;}</style></head><body><div class="container"><div class="hero-unit"><p>Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit.</p></div></div></body></html>
The CSS selector identifying the element to verify:
You'll probably notice the crucial bit in the test structure is the base element. The CSS available from the location specified here is the thing we are actually testing. In typical test lingo, the structure we have in our test file is the mock and our tests work by asserting the values ‘output’ from applying the CSS to this structure are as expected.
Running the tests
Running the tests in-browser
Open the test page in a browser. That's it. If it's green and says 'passed', the test passed. If it's red and says 'failed', the test failed. You can see the output by clicking on the title of the test.
This works by loading the test file, creating an iframe and injecting the test case into the iframe as source. It then looks into the iframe and measures the styles. If they match those specified in the test file, it passes, otherwise, it fails. Clicking on the test title simply removes the position:absolute which is hiding the iframe.
Running the tests on command-line
The exact same test page can also be used with the command-line interface. cssert uses PhantomJS to run the tests in a headless webkit instance. You'll need to install PhantomJS into your path after downloading it. Place your test case in the tests folder and run:
$ ./cssert testcase.html
To run all tests in the tests folder at once, simply run with no arguments:
$ ./cssert
This works by, again, loading the HTML from the test files. In this case, the structure is injected into a new headless browser window. The styles are measured and the output is redirected to stdout. Each browser window test is also rendered as a PNG so you can see what failed if any did.
I'm not saying this is the ultimate solution to CSS testing. Declarative languages don't sit well with testing. This is as close as I can get for the moment. I'm also not going to be able to head off or counter all possible complaints or criticisms but I will cover a couple.
Firstly, most of the limitations you'll run into are caused by using the automatically generated tests. They're good for creating a starting point but at the moment, they need to be tweaked for many cases.
Sibling selectors
Because the test generates the DOM via following parents up the structure, sibling elements are ignored. These styles are still testable, though. Simply add the sibling element into your HTML test block.
Styles modified by JS
The styles are measured on the element as it is when the case is generated. The test compares this against the styles provided by the CSS. If the element contains JS-only styles not added by CSS, they will not be correctly matched. Modify your test case to allow for this.
Why not use Selenium?
This, essentially does the same as Selenium would do if you took the time to set up your test cases. This makes it much easier to set up test cases, though.
If your @font-face declaration contains a suggested 'local' source (as recommended in Paul Irish's bulletproof syntax), a bug in QTWebkit will prevent the test case from running correctly.
Just clone the git project from git@github.com:thingsinjars/cssert.git and you're good to go.
The tests directory comes with some sample tests generated using Twitter's Bootstrap project. Put your tests in that same place.
This weekend, I had a spare couple of hours on Saturday night (as often happens when you have a kid) so I decided to pass the time with a bit of copy-paste coding.
There are many developers who will tell you that blindly copy-pasting is a terrible way to code. They make the valid points that you don't understand something if you don't read it properly and that you'll end up stuck down an algorithmic cul-de-sac with no way to three-point-turn your way out (although they may phrase it differently). These are valid points but...
If I'd sat down on Saturday night and thought "I want to build something in Box2D" then gone to the site, downloaded the library, read the docs and loaded the examples, by the time I had understood what I was doing, Sunday morning would have come round and I'd still have GameJS to read up on. There's absolutely no harm in blindly catapulting yourself a long way down the development track then looking round to see where you are. Sure, you'll end up somewhere unfamiliar and you may end up with absolutely no clue what the code around you does but at least you have something to look at while you figure it out. At least a few times, you'll find something almost works and a quick search of the docs later, you've figured it out and know what it's doing.
Basically, copy-pasting together a simple little demo and making it work is a lot more interesting than taking baby-steps through example code and beginner tutorials. Don't be too careful about trying to build something complicated.