Open Source Ideas
All too often, I have ideas which might make a cool website or iPhone app or whatever and I know I just don't have the time to build them. I'm going to post them here in the hope that someone else might find a use for them. These ideas might already be in existence, of course. I'm not claiming they are unique in any way (although some might be).
You are free to take these ideas and do whatever you like with them. Of course, if they become amazingly successful, I could do with a bigger TV...
Autogenerated Everything
After seeing this collection of the 892 different ways you can partition a 3 x 4 grid1, I was struck by a thought. If these were generated as HTML templates, they could be combined with a couple of other useful websites and become a nice, API-driven site builder2.
The process
- On the site-building webpage, you'd enter a few keywords describing the site you want and drag a slider along between 1 and 12 to specify how many content areas you want. The value from the slider would be used to pick a template randomly from the number available for that combination of panels.
- This template would be dropped into the middle of an HTML 5 boilerplate (possibly generated via Initializr)
- The keywords would be passed to ColorAPI to generate an asthetically pleasing colour-scheme
- The keywords would then be passed to FlickHoldr along with the dimensions of some of the areas from the template to get relevant imagery
- Grab some lorem ipsum of the right length from LoremIpscream to fill out the content areas of the site
- Done. Your asthetically pleasing, nicely designed site is ready to download within a few seconds.
Once this service has been created, I'm fairly sure me and the rest of the industry will be out of a job.
Appington concept
Appington. Your applications brought to you.
Appington is, fundamentally, a single-application VNC client with a simple interface for task switching. Where most VNC applications present the user with the entire screen, Appington only shows a single window at any one time. This simplified interface makes interaction easier and saves on client application memory and reduces data transfer allowing the viewer to be more responsive. In some applications, this data transfer saving may be used to facilitate audio capture and transmission.
Applications list
This screen shows a list of all available applications grouped by first letter. In the lower-left, the user can toggle between listing all applications or only listing currently running applications. The right-hand panel shows more information about the selected application. In this example, Google Chrome is selected and running. The current memory and CPU usage are shown along with a note of how many active windows the application has. Because Chrome is currently running, the option to quit is shown. If we had selected an unlaunched application, this button would show the option to launch. In case of emergencies, there is always the option to Force Quit a running application.
Application window (portrait)
This shows a standard single application window. The button in the top left would return the user to the previous screen. From the right, the remaining buttons allow the user to capture a screen shot, maximize the application window to match the current iPad viewport (if possible), refresh the current screen (in case of render errors) and access the application's menu. In OS X, menu access would be accomplished by way of the accessibility API. At the moment, I'm not sure how it would work on other OSs.
Application window (landscape)
This shows a single window of an application with multiple windows. You'll notice the extra button at the top between Menu and Refresh. This menu will allow you to select which window you want to access between however many the application currently has open.
Other images
The partner application to this is a modified VNC server running on the host machine. It is responsible for window management, task-switching, menu parsing and audio capture (Ã la SoundFlower). If there is already a VNC server running, the partner app will leave the standard VNC functionality alone and act purely as a helper, providing the extra functionality but not using extra memory by duplicating functionality. This is a variation of noVNC using the python proxy to manage the socket connection allowing the client to be built in PhoneGap using HTML 5.
Like I said at the top, this hasn't been built yet. It'd be cool if someone did build it, though.
JavaScript libraries and CSS frameworks are very popular these days. With each library, plugin, extension and template, comes another licencing statement. For most of these licences (MIT, for instance), you must include the licence statement in order to be able to use the code. In many cases, you also have to provide the original source and your own modifications. While, for uncompiled technologies such as these, this is a trivial matter, both this requirement and that of including the licence are awkward to implement if you like to minify your code. The licence is usually kept in an uncompressed comment at the top of the library (the YUI compressor specifically takes this into account with comments marked /*! */ ) and, although anyone can read your modifications to whatever you've used, post-minification code is much harder to follow (cf. three of my last four blog posts) and is really not 'in the spirit' of sharing your code.
I'd like to be able to bundle all the licences and sources together outside the production files. Somewhere the interested user would be able to look them up if they liked but not somewhere that would automatically be downloaded on a standard visit. To that end, I have looked around for an established standard for this and not found anything. If you know of one, please let me know. Until I do find a good standard, here's my suggestion – a simple XML file located at /licences.xml in the format outlined below. It contains details of the file the licence pertains to, the uncompressed source (optional), the title of the licence and a URL where the full licence text can be found (on opensource.org or creativecommons.org, for instance). It also includes a (probably superfluous) shortname for the licence. I might remove that bit. You can optionally include this meta in your HTML if you want an explicit link between your source and the licence file:
<meta name="licences" value="/licences.xml" />
I'm currently undecided as to whether to go with XML or JSON. They're fairly interchangeable (barring XML attributes) but JSON takes less space. Then again, there's not as much need to save space in this file. Anyone have any recommendations? The entire format is, of course, up for discussion. Have I forgotten anything? Have I included anything unnecessary? I'm going to start using this in my projects until someone points out some major legal problem with it, I think.
<licences> <licence> <source> <url> /includes/script/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js </url> <uncompressed> /includes/script/jquery/1.4/jquery.js </uncompressed> </source> <deed> <title> MIT License </title> <url> http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php </url> <shortform> MIT </shortform> </deed> </licence> <licence> <source> <url> /includes/script/custom/0.1/custom.js </url> <uncompressed> /includes/script/custom/0.1/custom.min.js </uncompressed> </source> <deed> <title> Attribution Share Alike </title> <url> http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0 </url> <shortform> cc by-sa </shortform> </deed> </licence> </licences>
{ licences:{ { source:{ url:'/includes/script/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js', uncompressed:'/includes/script/jquery/1.4/jquery.js' }, deed:{ title:'MIT License', url:'http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php', shortform:'MIT' } }, { source:{ url:'/includes/script/custom/0.1/custom.min.js', uncompressed:'/includes/script/custom/0.1/custom.js' }, deed:{ title:'Attribution Share Alike', url:'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0', shortform:'cc by-sa' } } } }
Synchronised Podcasts
This must exist somewhere. I just can't find it.
I listen to a lot of podcasts in a week and I use quite a few different computers. One desktop at home, one laptop while out and about and a PC and an iMac at work. I want some service (or combination of web service and application) that I can use to manage my podcast subscriptions regarless of where I am.
At the moment, I have iTunes installed on my desktop, my laptop and the iMac at work and I have subscribed to my collection of podcasts in each of them. I want to be able to plug in my iPod and have it delete the podcasts I've listened to and get the latest episodes of each of my subscriptions. At the moment, I plug it into the desktop, copy on the latest 'Planet Money' and listen. A couple of days later, there's another episode released so I plug into my laptop and it offers the episode I've just finished listening to and the new one. A few days later, I'm working on the office iMac and plug in my iPod, it suggests the last weeks-worth of episodes. I have to manually go into every subscription and drag over the individual files that I want to listen to.
What I'd like to have is a web site where I can put in my podcast subscriptions and it will track the latest episodes of each. I can then either point iTunes to this site so that I can point all my installations at it or it will provide an application which can be used to put the latest episodes onto my iPod. When I plug in my iPod, the application tells the site which ones I've listened to and it removes them from my listening queue. The application could, also be stored on the iPod itself to enable it to be used wherever the iPod is plugged in, not just on computers with iTunes.
Am I explaining myself clearly enough? It just seems so simple, it should already exists within iTunes. It is entirely possible that Apple's recent acquisition of Lala could be the first step in an online iTunes which would solve these problems. If anyone has any suggestions for the best way to achieve this, please let me know. I thought of a way of doing it with Dropbox but it would only work if the music bit of my iTunes library weren't bigger than my Dropbox account.